Condensation in Refrigerated Cabinets
Condensation inside refrigerated cabinets can be a significant problem. Here is some background information that will help prevent its causes.
New refrigerated cabinets
New refrigerated cabinets are designed to be the most technologically advanced and each element is installed to be functional to the entire system. They are specifically required to:
- comply with rigid hygiene and health regulations;
- be in plain view so as to satisfy both Clients and Vendors;
- consume less energy and be eco-friendly.
Water molecules present in the air get condensed with cold. This condensation forms a moisture layer on the refrigerated cabinet surfaces causing use problems such as:
- steam on the inside glass of the door which does not allow to see the products;
- liquid dripping which corrodes the metal parts;
- liquid dripping which dirties the refrigerated cabinet surfaces;
- liquid dripping which contaminates the product or its package making it unsellable.
What causes condensation
The metal parts of the cabinet, as aluminium profiles or metal hinges, contribute to the condensation forming: because of their low temperature these parts get covered with condensation particles when air enters the refrigerator.
What we can do
As early as the design phase, it is fundamental to verify and prevent all the possible causes of condensation:
- reduce metal surfaces;
- reduce time of air flow in the refrigerated cabinet (time when the door stays open);
- guarantee a maintaining satisfactory performance of the gasket system;
- provide recovery and condensation removal systems;
- utilize a lightening system that produce minimal heat.
Specific components
The latest technology has helped develop higher and higher performing refrigerated cabinets. Nowadays it is possible to stop condensation problems thanks to the use of new hinges with specific characteristics:
Polymer hinges:
- material which impedes the formation of condensation;
- do not oxidize.
Hydraulic hinges:
- soft closing to eliminate door slamming that causes premature wear of gaskets;
- regulation of the door closing speed so as to reduce the time of heat exchange
between the inside and outside of the refrigerated cabinet.
The only one of its kind is Artika: the state-of-the-art hinge with a polymer body and a hydraulic system.